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The MASH Leaving End Treatment (MLET) provides anchorage and terminates the leaving end of steel beam guide rail. The MLET is tested to MASH Test Level 3 standards. The MLET can only be installed on divided roads, as it has not been tested for frontal impact.
SPECIFICATIONSMTOD# 911.190 Dimensions: .815m (H) x 9144mm 32" (H) x 30'
PRODUCT DOCUMENTSConstruction Specification for Concrete Barriers Construction Specification for Temporary Concrete Barriers Type X Installation Drawing - 9.1 length

LET 350
The Leaving End Treatment 350 (LET 350) provides anchorage and terminates the leaving end of steel beam guide rail. The LET 350 is tested to NCHRP 350 Test Level 3 standards. The LET 350 can only be installed on divided roads, as it has not been tested for frontal impact.
SPECIFICATIONSMTOD# 911.190 Dimensions: .815m (H) x 9144mm 32" (H) x 30'
PRODUCT DOCUMENTSConstruction Specification for Concrete Barriers Construction Specification for Temporary Concrete Barriers Type X Installation Drawing - 9.1 length
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